Godly Counsel

If we read in the book of 1 Chronicles Chapter 10 (NKJV), we will see that King Saul took very bad counsel from men and in the wrong areas of his life.

We must remember that he was a very, very fine man when he started off, he was head and shoulders above any other man in Israel, he was handsome, he was very humble and he was anointed. But what happened, well, unfortunately what happened to him, happens to many men and women, he took bad counsel. He first of all went and sought counsel from a spiritualist and then he became unfaithful to the Lord and started to trust in his own strength. He didn’t keep the word of God, consulted a medium for his guidance, never enquired of the Lord and eventually it turned out that he actually committed suicide, his three sons also died and even his own armour bearer committed suicide.

In these perilous times in which you and I are living, it is absolutely imperative that we get Godly counsel for every decision we make, because if we don’t, we will unfortunately go down a cul-de-sac, a one way road and there is absolutely no future in that.

When we have decisions to make, first of all we need to go to God and that is by reading the Bible. We need to pray, not five minutes a day, but it needs to be a lifestyle, praying at work, in the car, at home, continually in prayer. Listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit, a very important point, not running to and fro, taking advise and making decisions on what the masses are doing. Be very careful what news you are listening to, because a lot of it is prefabricated and terribly magnified. It’s not like that at all. We need to hear from God. Then we need to take our time before we make drastic decisions, because some of those decisions can affect not only you, but your children and your children’s children, as what happened with Saul himself, not only did he lose his life but all his sons died with him.

We need to choose our battles and then we need to be very careful before we enter into them, because God will, He has promised us, He will see us through.

Hebrews 13:6 (NKJV)  So we may boldly say: “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?”

He will see us through, but we need to do it God’s way and then we will succeed.

Have a wonderful week.

Jesus bless you

Angus Buchan

Angus Buchan