Keep Going

I read a lovely quotation by one of my old friends, the Reverend Ron Wesson, who said “God has a work for you, ministries may change, but they should not stop.” He went on to say, your life has an eternal purpose. I really appreciated that thought. The Lord says in Galatians 6:9

“And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.”

Many years ago, an old gentleman by the name of David Kane wrote me a letter and said to me, “Angus, I’m too old to go down the well now,  but I can stand at the top and I can hold the rope while you go down,” and I just realised how ministries change but they never stop.  Many preachers when they are young travel all over the world. As they get older they start to become writers and often the latter ministry far exceeds the former ministry.

We need to understand that our work on this earth is not completed until the day of Jesus Christ’s return.  We need to keep on keeping on.  If you feel maybe you’ve been pushed aside because of the Covid 19 virus, or because of some dispute in the work situation or even in the church, please do not give up.  We need to finish strong, we need to be sprinting through the finish line, not crawling on our hands and knees, that’s not the way the Lord meant it.

One thing I have realised is, growing older has given me a lot more patience and I think before I act and that is very important for a person like me, who is impulsive by nature. I’m starting to count the cost before I get involved, I like to pray more and speak less.  Billy Graham said the same thing in his latter years.  You and I need to understand that our work on earth is never completed until the Lord Jesus Christ says so.

Jesus bless you

Angus and Jill Buchan

Angus Buchan