The Miracle Worker

If we go to the Book of Luke 7:11, we read the account of how the widow was about to bury her only son. A large crowd was with her and when the Lord Jesus was walking past, He saw and He had compassion on her and He said to her in Luke 7:13 (NKJV), “Do not weep.”  Then He came and He touched the open coffin, and the young man was restored to life. That incredible miracle happening, circulated right through the district instantly and people were speaking about it openly.

At Shalom we have a saying, “One genuine miracle equals a thousand sermons.” It’s all very well to tell people about Jesus, but we must also show people about Jesus. Action speaks much louder than words and we serve a miracle working God. 

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” Heb 13:8 (NKJV)

I know that there are some theologians who will tell you that miracles went out when the last of the apostles died. That is not true. I myself have had the experience of seeing many miracles take place in my life and all the glory and all the honour goes to Jesus Christ Himself. We need faith in these last days to believe for miracles. Like never before, the world is waiting to see the Lord Jesus Christ in action, and we are His hands and His feet. We must go out and we must lay our hands upon the sick and we must pray the prayer of faith and God will raise them up. I have got many many testimonies to confirm this.

 God bless you as you go out today and take care of the widows and the orphans and the sick and the poor and the needy. This is our time, my beloved brother and sister in Christ.

Jesus bless you

Angus and Jill Buchan

Angus Buchan