Power of Prayer

I heard a beautiful quotation; I think it was from the great preacher FB Meyer who said that Scripture is the speech of God to man. Isn’t that beautiful? Scripture is the speech of God to man.

 If we look at Psalm 119:105 (NKJV), we see that it says, 

Your word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path.

Like never before we need to use the Word of God for our direction, for our instruction, for our motivation and most of all for our friendship. Every morning the first thing I do is I read my Bible, then I pray. I learnt that from the famous theologian by the name of George Müller who started the Children’s homes in Bristol England and did it all by faith, never asking for a cent. He said in his quiet time he used to pray first and then read the Word. But after a while he decided to read the Bible first and then pray. He said because when he has read the Bible, the Word of God, the Scripture (the speech of God) gave him direction and showed him how and what to pray about. 

So when people say to you “you know, I’ve never ever heard from God and I’ve never heard Him speak” (neither have I by the way. Not many have and have lived to tell the tale). However, God speaks to us through His Holy Word. He’s done it for me over forty years and some of the biggest decisions I’ve ever made and some of the biggest steps of faith that I’ve ever taken have not come from somebody else’s idea, but from the Word of God directly. By reading my Bible systematically everyday from the Old Testament and from the New Testament. That is how God speaks to a person. This week spend lots of time reading the Word of God especially as we come to the season of Passover when we will celebrate the Crucifixion and Resurrection of our precious Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Jesus bless you,
Angus and Jill Buchan

Angus Buchan