There Is Freedom In Confession
It is Wednesday, 14th October 2020, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for the day.
If we go to the Book of 1 John, Chapter 1 and verse 9:
In fact, that was the second memory verse that I learnt off by heart when I gave my life to Christ, 41 years ago.
The first one was John Chapter 3 and verse 16 - “For God so loved the world….”
And this was the second one and it goes like this:
“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
What is confession?
Well, it is just to say sorry?
And what prevents us from saying sorry? Only one thing, pride - which stems from the pit of hell.
That is what prevents you and I from saying, “sorry” and confessing our sins.
And yet there is no-one who is without sin.
If we look at Romans Chapter 3 and verse 23, the Bible says for all (that is you and me) have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.
Now the reason why we confess our sins is for our own good.
My dear friend, if you look at James Chapter 5 and verse 16, The Lord says very clearly that we are to confess our trespasses to one another and pray for one another, that we may be healed.
You know, I remember like yesterday, I had just started preaching in the little church in Greytown and I had asked at the end of the service if there was anyone who wanted prayer for healing, and a number of people came to the front and I walked up to this one beautiful old lady, and I could see that she was very troubled, and I said, “What can I pray for?”
She said, “I get migraines headaches, terrible headaches that put me in bed for a few days.”
I asked her a question. I said,”Do you have any unforgiveness in your heart?”
The old lady was very angry with me. She said, “Young man, I haven’t come to the front for this type of thing. I have come to the front because I want to be healed.”
I said, “I just feel in my heart that there is somebody that you haven’t forgiven, somebody close to you, a family member.”
And with that, she started to weep and she confessed her sins to God.
You know the next week she came back to church and she was radiant.
She was beautiful. She said, “Angus, I haven’t had a headache since that prayer of confession.”
Now, I am not saying that that is the case in every case but what I am saying is when you confess, it gives you liberation. It sets you free. It also gives you security because when you humble yourself, you get on your knees, don’t you? And you can’t fall any further. It is when you get on that pedestal and you think you are something and then it gets kicked from under you.
There is freedom in confession.
Today, come to The Lord and forgive that person who has hurt you.
Forgive that person who has done something to you and walk away free.
God bless you and have a lovely day.