He Stood His Ground
It is 15th October, Thursday morning, 2020, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan with a thought for the day.
If we go to the Book of Hebrews, Chapter 4 and verse 15:
“ For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin.”
Jesus was tempted for forty days and forty nights in the dessert by the devil, yet He never succumbed to the devil.
I looked up t the word, “succumb” in the Oxford Dictionary.
It says He did not fail to resist pressure and temptation but He stood firm.
What an example to you and I!
And that is why The Lord can identify with what you and I are going through because He has been through it all.
He is not some god up in the sky, that never came to the earth and never suffered.
No, He went through everything you and I are going through and yet He did not capitulate.
He stood His ground.
Now, I don’t know what you are going through this morning.
Maybe you are going through an ugly divorce;
maybe you have to bury a loved one;
maybe you have just been liquidated - your business has gone down and you are saying, “Lord, Lord, do You understand what I am going through?”
Yes, He does. He knows exactly what you are going through.
Speak to Him today and He will help you.
Nothing is foreign to our God.
He has been there and yet He did not collapse under the pressure.
You know, I remember hearing a story many years ago, of a man who had escaped from the communists and he was preaching in a church and he wasn’t getting much response from the listeners.
He could see they were shuffling around, looking at the ceiling, looking at their watches.
So he stopped speaking and he started to undo his shirt in front of everybody.
He took his shirt off and he turned around so that the congregation could see his back.
He had been thrashed by the communists and he had scars right across his back.
He then turned around and put his shirt on and he had their instant attention.
Unless you have been there, you can’t really understand what it is all about.
So that thing you are going through today might be an extremely important testimony in the time to come.
Stand firm. The Lord Jesus Christ will take you by the hand and He will walk with you, through the valley and out the other side, and what a story you will be able to tell others who are going through the same thing.
God bless you and have a wonderful day.