Just Do What The Book Says
It is Friday morning, 16th October 2020, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for the day.
If we go to the Book of Joshua in the Old Testament, Joshua Chapter 1 and verse 8:
“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it.
For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.”
I am talking about the Bible.
I am talking about my agricultural manual.
Now, I know some of you are smiling now.
One lady wrote to me and said to me, “How can you be so disrespectful towards God’s Word?”
I said, “Madam, it is tongue in cheek. I probably love the Bible more than most. I don’t think you have ever seen a photograph of me without me carrying the Word of God.”
You ask me, “Where do you get your messages, every single morning?”
Well, I get them from the Bible.
I get up early in the morning and I read the Word of God.
I don’t jump around in the Bible. I read it systematically.
Now, if you are not doing that, why don’t you start doing that today?
Start by reading the Psalms which are so beautiful at this perilous time in which we are living.
It comforts you - and then go to the New Testament and start reading the Book of John. It is a beautiful book and every day, God will speak to you.
This book tells me that I must love my wife, I must honor my elders. I must not antagonize my children.
This book tells me a fair day’s work for a fair day’s pay.
It tells me when to plant my crops and when not to plant them.
Now, I am going to tell you a story about many years ago when I was a new Christian. I saw in the Bible that The Lord said you must leave your land fallow every seven years.
Well, I was quite shocked because our whole farm is an arable farm and if we don’t plant the whole farm up, it’s a small farm, we won’t make it.
And I felt The Lord saying, “You must leave it fallow.”
I looked up the dictionary. Fallow means, “Don’t touch it. Don’t plant anything.”
Well, I said, “Lord, if I am going to do that I won’t make it.” And I felt The Holy Spirit say to me, “Well, leave one-seventh of your land fallow every year and then after seven years, the whole farm would have rested.”
And that is what I did, and you know, that is totally contrary to what I was taught at agricultural college. I was taught, “One year’s seeds, seven years weeds.”
You have to hammer that land so that the weeds ever come up.
But that is not what God said to me. So I honored His Word and I left one-seventh. But do you know what came out of that? The most beautiful crops you have ever seen.
But I want to share with you something that is very special. There was a young man. His name was Shaun Foster. Maybe you are listening to this, Shaun.
And he was an agricultural expert, and he came onto the farm, an agronomist and we were riding around the farm and looking at the maize crops and he looked in the corner and he saw all these weeds standing six foot tall and he said, “What on earth is going on over there.”
And he said, “Yes”, and I told him about God’s principle.
And with that, I had the privilege of leading him to Jesus.
Just do what the book says, and God will do the rest.
Have a wonderful day and God bless you.