It is Monday morning, 19th October 2020, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for the day.
If we go to the Book of Acts, Chapter 12 and I am reading from verse 12:
“… many were gathered together praying. And as Peter knocked at the door of the gate, a girl named Rhoda came to answer. When she recognized Peter’s voice, because of her gladness she did not open the gate, but ran in and announced that Peter stood before the gate. But they said to her, “You are beside yourself!” Yet she kept insisting that it was so. So they said, “It is his angel.”
Now Peter continued knocking; and when they opened the door and saw him, they were astonished”.
Peter had been in jail and what had happened?
The believers were praying together and The Lord opened the gate and let the man of God out.
I want to encourage you as you start a new week, start praying the prayer of faith because God definitely answers the prayer of faith - not just prayer, but the prayer of faith.
As we know, last week, there was a very critical situation in our country but I can tell you that over 2000 intercessors, prayer warriors that I know of, were praying for the situation in our beloved South Africa.
We had two zoom conferences with Christian leaders in, and men and women of God who were praying, believing, for a miracle.
It was called by our Chief Justice, Mogoeng Mogoeng.
I was honoured to be part of those two zoom conferences and I believe with all my heart that God answered our prayers because that confrontation literally fizzled out like a damp squibb.
And yesterday, 18th October, In Cape Town, was a day of thanksgiving for the water that Cape Town now has in abundance.
The dams are looking like the Victoria Falls.
They are all overflowing in less than two years.
The scientists said it would take more than seven years to fill the dams.
Remember, Cape Town was bone dry. It was the driest city in the whole world.
The answer to prayer prayed by faithful men and women of God.
And now we are embarking on revival, the revival train.
Please pray for us today as we pray for you.
Oh, like never before my dear friend - people often ask me,“ Angus, what can we do to help?”
And my answer is one word,”prayer - pray!”.
Have a wonderful week and remember if God is for us, there is no man or organization that will stand against the children of God.