Whatever He Tells You To Do
If we go to the Book of Joshua, Chapter 6 and verse 20:
“And it happened when the people heard the sound of the trumpet, and the people shouted with a great shout, that the wall fell down flat.”
We need to do what The Lord tells us to do and sometimes it doesn’t actually make sense. It doesn’t add up.
The Lord told Joshua to tell the people to march around the walls of Jericho seven times, to blow the trumpets, to make a great shout and the walls fell down flat.
I have been to Jericho in Israel, one of the oldest cities in the whole world.
They say over ten thousand years old.
I have seen the remnants of those walls.
They were massive walls, very, very thick and wide and well built but they fell flat because God told the people what to do,
What is God telling you to do today?
It might be something that is totally ludicrous. It doesn’t make sense!
We go to the Gospel of John Chapter 2, verse 5, and Mary, the mother of Jesus told the servants to ”whatever He says to you, do it”.
So the servants filled six stone water pots that hold 150 litres each, full of water - 720 litres of water, and miraculously, that water turned into the finest wine ever.
We need at this time in which we are living, to do what God tells us to do. No more and no less.
Remember, we always used to say, “A good idea is not always a God idea.”
God’s economy doesn’t work the way we think.
Two plus two doesn’t always equal four with The Lord. It equals seven sometimes.
We need to be obedient to what God is calling us to.
Many years ago, we got into some financial difficulty here on the farm with drought situations and I felt impressed by The Lord that we had to sell our whole herd of beef cattle that we had built up over many years.
The boys were very upset. They were quite emotional actually because you grow attached to your animals. They said to me, “Dad, we can’t load those cattle.” We had to get the neighbours to come and load the cattle.
We sold our cattle and settled our debt but within one week the dreaded foot and mouth disease broke out in the Natal area and if we hadn’t done what God had told us to do we would have lost the farm and the herd of cattle.
Just do whatever He tells you to do and He will see it through.
In a time where there is no more normality we need to go to God’s Word.
Joshua did what God told him to do and what happened? The walls fell down.
The servants did what Mary told them to do, by instruction from Jesus, and what happened? The water turned into wine.
God is on your side. Just listen to what He tells you to do and then be obedient.
Have a wonderful day and God bless you!