Are You Feeling A Little Downcast
How is your faith this morning?
Are you feeling a little downcast?
Are you feeling a little doubtful?
Well, let’s go to the Book of Isaiah Chapter 45, and I am reading from verse 5:
“I am the Lord, and there is no other;
There is no God besides Me.
I will gird you, though you have not known Me,
That they may know from the rising of the sun to its setting
That there is none besides Me.
I am the Lord, and there is no other.”
And then if we go to John Chapter 14 verse 6, one of the most powerful verses in the Bible:
“I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”
That is what Jesus said.
I remember hearing a story - a man from a different religion once said, “We all serve the same god. He just has a different name.”
No sir! We don’t!
The difference between other gods and the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is that He has a Son and His name is Jesus Christ.
Other religions don’t.
And the name of Jesus Christ is “The Miracle Worker”.
Folks, if you go to Israel and you go to the tomb, you can walk inside the tomb where they laid the body of Our Saviour and it is empty.
There are no bones there.
You can go to other religions and they will show you the tomb with the bones all wrapped up.
Our God has no bones in His tomb. Why? Because He is not dead. He is very much alive.
You know, I remember, many years ago actually, preaching in a big church in Durban.
That’s right, my dear brother, Eric’s church, and the church was packed. It was an amazing morning.
We preached the message of faith and then we called people forward to the front to receive Christ as Saviour.
Straight after that, we started to pray for the sick.
A man was standing there and he said to me, “I cannot hear. I have no hearing.”
So I called him to the front in front of everybody.
That’s right. He is the same, yesterday, today and forever, and I said, “I want to pray for you.”
But before I could pray for him, he said to me, “I have got two hearing aids, not one, two.”
They were fleshly-coloured and I couldn’t see them, and I have to confess to you today, that I would never have prayed for that man - I didn’t have the faith when I saw that he had two hearing aids on!
We took the hearing aids off.
We put them on the pulpit. I prayed for him.
I told him to walk away about 50 meters and face the other way, in front of everybody, and I called his name out and he spun around.
The crowd went wild.
I told him to go to the other side of the hall. It must have been about 100 meters, and I called his name quietly and he spun around.
He was healed. The people went wild.
He came to the front. I said, “I want these hearing aids. You don’t need them again.”
He said, “No problem.”
I went home. I showed my trophy to my dear wife, Jill and she said, “Don’t bring those things into the house.”
So I went and burnt them in the boiler. We used to have an old donkey boiler in those days for hot water.
The next morning, a phone call came through from my pastor in our church.
Mark said to me,”Uncle Angus, the man is on the phone. He wants his hearing aids back. He says they are worth about R30,000.”
Well, I phoned him and I said to him,”Why do you want them?”
And he said, “I have a friend…” and then he broke down.
He said, “Angus, I want them just in case.”
I said, “If you take those hearing aids back, you will lose your hearing.
He said, “I don’t want them.”
Just as well.
Folks, He is a miracle-working God and He loves you!