One Miracle Equals A Thousand Sermons

It is Friday, 20th November 2020, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for the day.

If we go to the Book of Acts, Chapter 15 and verse 12:

“Then all the multitude kept silent and listened to Barnabas and Paul declaring how many miracles and wonders God had worked through them among the Gentiles.”

You know, here at Shalom we say, “One genuine miracle equals a thousand sermons.”

They were seated there listening to these two men who were talking about the miracles that God had performed through unbelievers.

You could hear a pin drop. Remember, God is no respecter of persons. He works miracles through all nations and all peoples.

Everyone becomes silent and listens carefully when signs, wonders and miracles God has performed are testified about, especially among non-Christians.

I remember it like yesterday, many years ago, with that big yellow truck, “The Seed-Sower”, right up in Northern Mozambique, 250 kms in from Pemba.

We were having a meeting at a soccer field one night.

The crowd was very unruly.

There were thousands of people there.

There were a lot of Muslims there as well and the people were not getting involved and as I was busy preaching, I heard The Holy Spirit say to me, “Stop preaching. They are not listening to you.”

I stopped immediately. I looked down in front of me. There was a man sitting in a chair with a pair of crutches and his leg was straight out in front of him.

I heard The Holy Spirit say, “Pray for him, so that I might heal him.”

I went down off the platform. I told them, “I am going to pray for this man and God is going to heal him.”

Of course I didn’t realize what the problem is. Just as well…..otherwise, I would never have prayed for him!

And that is the honest truth.

You see, he was a woodcutter. He was a local man and one of those massive indigenous trees had fallen on his leg and crushed his leg and he had a pin through his leg, that had been put there by the doctors.

I walked up to him. I prayed for him. I said, “Do you believe that Jesus can heal you?”

He said yes, he did.

I took his leg and I started to bend it, but it was solid.

Now, I used to do a bit of weight-lifting many years ago.

I was quite strong in my young days and I heard The Holy Spirit say, “Push it even more.”

And I said, “Is it sore?”

And he said, “No.”

And I gave him one big push and it was like a spring had broken and his leg came free and he was moving it up and down.

I took the crutches away and I said to him, “Now walk.”

He was walking and running all over the place.

I want to say to you that the people were instantly quiet.

I made a simple altar call and that crowd came forward to accept Christ as Lord and Saviour.

Straight after the meeting, the Muslims came as well, round the back of the truck. They brought their sick and I prayed for them as well.

One miracle! Go out today and pray the prayer of the sick and God will save the sick.

Have a wonderful day!

Angus Buchan