He Is Greater

It is Saturday morning, 21st November 2020, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for the day.

If we go to the Word of God in 1 John, Chapter 4 and verse 4, it says:

“You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.”

Maybe today, you are feeling fearful?

Maybe today, you are feeling lonely?

Maybe you are feeling, how are you going to cope?

I have got good news for you.

If Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior, The Holy Spirit lives within you, and He is greater than anything in the world.

Many years ago, we were contacted by people, Christians, in Durban, asking us if we could take a young lady, and look after her because she was involved in the underworld, and she was a mainline drug addict and the magistrate was about to sentence her to jail, and the only reason they would leave her, is if she could come to the farm, and be quiet with some Christians.

We agreed, but we didn’t realize what we were letting ourselves in for. We were still very new Christians at the time.

Jill came to me and said to me one day, that this girl - we will called her name, “Nancy” - that was not her name - was using the telephone.

I said, “Why?” and she said, “Because someone keeps phoning her from Durban.”

So I confronted her and she refused and was quite offended that we had actually suggested it, but you know the father of all lies is the devil, and he is the deceiver of the brethren.

Anyway, we said to her, “Please don’t use the phone, because we are trying to help you and we don’t want you to contact any of your friends in Durban.”

Well, a few weeks went passed, and then one night I was sound asleep with my young wife and children, and I heard cows in the garden.

I got up and I saw someone in the middle of the night, had left the gate open, and the cows were in the garden, eating Jill’s flowers.

I chased the cows out, closed the gate and went to sleep.

The next morning at breakfast, I confronted Nancy.

I said, “Where were you last night, at midnight?”

And she broke down and she cried.

She said, “I went out to meet some people from Durban.”

I said, “Who were they?”

They were drug-dealers from Durban. They were bringing her drugs.

And I said, “Did you get the drugs?”

She said, “No.”

I said, “Why not?”

She said, “Because they could not get onto the farm.”

They contacted her and they said, “We cannot get onto the farm. There is a bright light shining over Shalom Farm and we were petrified and we went back to Durban.”

“Some trust in chariots, and some in horses;

But we will remember the name of the Lord our God.” Psalm 20, verse 7

Romans Chapter 8, verse 31 - If Christ is for you, there is no man will stand against you.

Folks, I want to tell you that if The Lord Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior, He will protect you.

You know, a few years after that, 2007, we had a Mighty Men Conference on the farm where we had the smaller tent, the 7000 seater tent, and a man took a photograph at night of that tent.

I am going to give you that photograph. It will be on this message.

In the middle of that night, a bright light shining over that tent!

No wonder men got saved, delivered, healed and set free.

If God is for you, you have nothing to be afraid of.

Have a wonderful day!

Angus Buchan