Believers Go To Heaven

It is 22nd November, 2020, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for the day.

If we go to the Book of Revelation, Chapter 3 and verse 5:

“…I will not blot out his name from the Book of Life; but I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels.”

We shall have a guaranteed entrance into Heaven, not because of anything we have done but because of a saving and loving God, whose name is Jesus.

Good people don’t go to Heaven. Believers go to Heaven.

it is not by good works. We can’t earn our way into the gates of Heaven.

Ephesians Chapter 2, verse 8 says we have been saved by grace through faith and even that, not of ourselves because it was a gift from God.

You see, it is all about Jesus’ credentials and nothing whatsoever to do with us.

I looked up the Oxford Dictionary. The word, “credential,” means a letter of introduction.

You see it is all His idea and it is all His works, saving His children.

What do you and I need to do?

We have to trust and believe Him to do it . We can’t earn it. We need to believe it and then simply receive it.

You know the old saying, “It is not what you know. It is who you know that counts!”

Jesus will never erase, rub out, our name from the Book of Life, but Jesus will rather introduce us personally, to His Father.

If we look at Romans 10 verse 9 the Word of God says:

“that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.”

You know, I’ve got a picture of a big huge courtroom. That is right. It is Judgement Day, and let me tell you, it is sooner than you think.

And on that day there is going to be a tremendous amount of fear and trembling. It will be a terrible day, the Bible says. It will also be a glorious day because seated in The Judgement Seat, will be our Heavenly Father.

The prosecutor will be the devil himself, and our Defense Attorney will be Jesus Christ.

I can just imagine a CEO of a large company coming in, maybe an organisation that has been feeding tens of thousands of people, doing lots of good works, and he will have a list there, and he will tell Our Heavenly Father all the good things that he has done.

Our Heavenly Father will look down to His Son, the Defense Attorney and He will only ask one question. He will say to His Son, “Do you know this man?”

Jesus will sadly shake His head and say, “I have never heard of him before, and then the Judge will say to the prosecutor, “Take him away.”

And then an old lady will walk in. I know her personally. She lived on this farm for many years.

She had one leg amputated because of Sugar Diabetes. She had blood pressure. She had cancer.

She wasn’t very well known, but you know something? She was a prayer warrior and she prayed continually for the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

She had a relationship with the Son of God, and she will walk in and our Heavenly Father will look at her and greet her and He will look down to His Son and say, “Do you know this old lady?”

“Oh yes, Father. We had many conversations everyday together.”

And He will say, “Enter into the Kingdom.”

Go for a walk today and have a nice heart to heart conversation with Jesus and just tell Him that you want to get to know Him better.

Angus Buchan