All Hands On Deck

It s Monday, 23rd November 2020, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for the day.

Mark, Chapter 6 and verse 3: “Is this not the carpenter?”

Folks, Jesus was a working man. He was a carpenter by trade.

Abraham, the father of faith, was a farmer by profession.

David, the greatest king that Israel ever had apart from Jesus, was a shepherd boy.

Peter, the leader of the church, was a fisherman.

What is God saying to us today? All hands on deck!

You don’t have to be a minister of the gospel; you don’t have to be a priest; you don’t have to be a pastor, to help people who are lost.

The world is in a chaotic state at the moment. It is all hands on deck!

That is what they say in a ship when there is a storm at sea. The captain says, “All hands on deck!”

We have got to get stuck in, roll up our sleeves, everybody!

A young man came to see me last week and asked, “Is it okay for me to be a preacher and also a working man?”

I said, “Of course it is. It will open doors for you, to people you have never had the privilege of speaking to before”.

Today there are two men coming to see me - very, very honorable men. They are coming all the way from Johannesburg.

They are going to spend the night with me. One is an apostle of a huge organization in Soweto, the other is a CEO of one of the largest Christian networks in the country.

Now, you might ask me what do they want to see me for? Is it about theology we are going to speak about? No, not at all. In fact, it is farming that they want to speak to me about.

We really need to get involved.

I remember like yesterday, It was struggling as a young farmer.

I was in the shed. I was trying to weld up a broken implement.

I am not a very good welder, and as I was trying to weld this thing, I felt somebody was standing behind me.

I stopped, I looked at my welding helmet. There was a young, handsome young farmer but he looked quite perplexed, quite troubled, and he said,”Can I speak to you for a minute?”

I said, “Ja sure, can I just finish this job?”

He said, “No problem.”

I put my helmet down and proceeded to weld, and when I had finished the job, I stood up, took my helmet off and I was about to say, “What can I do to help you?”

when the piece of metal I had welded fell off. I don’t know why God always does that to me!

Anyway, he stood up and he said to me, “Can I help you?”

And I said, “Ja, sure.”

He took the helmet, He took the welding rod, and he did an immaculate job, welded that machine together so beautifully.

But you see, that broke the ice. I said, “Let’s go into the farm office”. We sat down in the farm office and then he opened his heart to me, and I had the privilege of leading him to Jesus Christ.

Go out and tell people today about Jesus in your own way.

God bless you,

Angus Buchan