Bless The Lord O My Soul

It is 29th November, Sunday morning, 2020 and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for the day.

I want to speak to you today about worshipping God.

If we go to Psalm 103, verses 1 and 2:

“Bless the Lord, O my soul;

And all that is within me, bless His holy name!

Bless the Lord, O my soul,

And forget not all His benefits”

You might ask me, when is the optimum time to worship and to praise Almighty God?

Probably when you least feel like it!

Well, I like to worship and praise God when I am riding my horse, Snowy.

I like to worship and praise God, sitting at a high place, looking over a big vlei area.

You might be unfortunately in hospital and you can’t do that.

You might be in a prison, serving a sentence.

You might be in lockdown because of the Covid 19 Virus, stuck in a flat or a high-rise apartment.

Well, how do we worship God in a situation like that?

In my travels while preaching the gospel in far off countries, sometimes I get very lonely, very tired. I am sitting in a departure lounge at an airport waiting for the next flight.

I am not going home yet. I am waiting for the next appointment and I am very weary.

That is when I go into my poustinia. What is that?

That is a Russian name for a little shed at the bottom of the garden, and I go in there and I pray and bless The Lord for all His goodness and kindness to me.

Now, I am talking about a poustinia that I have created in my mind. This has nothing to do with positive thinking, so relax.

This is about meditation. And meditation comes from The Lord. It is in the Bible.

I have a place I will describe to you. It is in Northern Zambia.

It is the area and the place where they buried Dr David Livingstone’s heart under a tree. I walk down a little path. High elephant grass is on both sides. It is a tropical rain forest with many small birds singing.

I sit down upon a fallen tree log on the side of the path. A gentle breeze is blowing the reeds in the swamp, just ahead of me, and they are moving back and forward, dancing for The Lord.

Out of the quietness in the distance, I hear the call of the mighty African Fish Eagle. I worship God and I renew my strength. Isaiah 40:31.

Just then I hear the announcement over the microphone that Flight Number 325 is now boarding for Nashville, Tennessee.

Totally refreshed, I get up and get ready for the next stage of my journey.

When you worship and praise God it refreshes your inner man.

Do it today. You have lots of time this Sunday.

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