Make Good Choices

It is Friday morning, 11th December 2020, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for the day.

If we go to the Book of Deuteronomy, Chapter 11, from verse 26, The Lord says:

“Behold, I set before you today a blessing and a curse: the blessing, if you obey the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you today; and the curse, if you do not obey the commandments of the Lord your God, but turn aside from the way which I command you today, to go after other gods which you have not known.’

We want to speak about choices today.

Don’t blame God when things don’t go well for you.

I know I have got the habit of doing the same thing.

“Oh Lord, why has this happened to me?”

You say to me, “It feels like we are walking through a landmine these days.”

So many decisions to make and if you make the wrong one, you are down and out.

Well, the landmine detector is The Bible.

The Lord will show you how to make good choices.

The questions we ask are, “Who do I marry?”

“Do I go into business with this man or not?”

“Do I expand my business or do I consolidate it?”

And then of course the greatest decision of all, the greatest choice of all.

“Do I follow the mandate of Jesus Christ, or not?”

Well, it is our choice.

There was a young farmer, his dad left him in his will, a beautiful farm, all paid for, a magnificent crop of golden wheat, ready for harvest and a fleet of tractors.

They were fairly old but all in good running order.

Then a salesman arrived on the farm and he told the young farmer, “Well, you are pretty old in your set-up here and you need to up your operation to the next level.

You need to expand. Sell those old tractors and buy a brand-new shiny fleet of new ones.” He showed the young farmer how he could manage by putting up the crop and the farm as a guarantee,

and selling off all his old tractors, and just pay the interest off each month.

But you see, something terrible happened. Overnight, the interest rate soared to an unbelievable height.

The young farmer couldn’t service his loan. He lost his farm. He lost the crop and he lost all his tractors - bad choice.

You and I need to make a good choice today.

We need to ask Jesus first.

We need to obey His commands and then we will succeed.

Have a lovely day and make the right choice for Jesus today.

Angus Buchan