He Wants Us To Believe

It is 10th December, Thursday 2020, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for the day.

If we go to the Word of God, the Book of Romans, Chapter 4 and verse 20. I am reading from the King James Version today:

“He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God;”

Verse 21:

“And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform.”

What was that? The Lord said toAbraham, “I will make you the father of many nations.” Abraham was 100 years old. He still didn’t have a son but God gave him that son. Why? Because Abraham believed him.

If we go to the Word of God in James, Chapter 2 and verse 23, the Bible says that “Abraham believed God, and it was accounted unto him as righteousness and he was known as the friend of God.”

My dear friend, today, God is not interested in our ability, in our perfection - He wants us to believe.

That old master plumber, that Yorkshireman, Smith Wigglesworth, he said, “God said it, I believe it and that settles it!”

I pray that over this Christmas period, that our faith would be strengthened.

That is what is going to overcome the fear that is going around the world at the moment with this Covid 19.

Many years ago, I was invited to go to a place called Pevensey. It is on the foothills of the mighty Drakensburg Mountains.

It is a place where mentally challenged and physically challenged people live, about 70 guests there, plus. Grown people, beautiful people, lovely people, people of faith.

And I was asked to speak at their Nativity play and of course, all their relatives came from all over the country, and we were packed into that hall and there was such an excitement.

And then the service started, and they walked in, and the one man was holding a big lamb. I tell you what, he held that lamb for the whole service. He was a strong man. HIs face was smiling. He was in love with Jesus.

Another guy was holding a rooster, a big chicken - a rooster, and that rooster never moved. It was beautiful to see.

The shepherds were there. They were all standing around, and then they started making their speeches, and some of them would drop the paper and forget their speech, and would have to start again.

And they were quite happy. They weren’t embarrassed. They were giggling and laughing.

And then a man came up to sing a song, a Karaoke song, a country western gospel song, my favorite - but he got up there. He took hold of that mike and he started to sing, and I started to cry.

You know, I have been to Nashville, Tennessee, the Country Western capital of the whole world. I have listened live to some of the top Country Western singers.

Not one of them made me cry. This man made me cry. He sang from his heart. He sang with faith.

Those meetings were filled with faith. You see, those people believe that a virgin who had never met a man, conceived and had a baby.

They believe that three wisemen came, one of them from Ethiopia. He was on a camel for three months, following a star, to a little village called Bethlehem.

They believed that. You see, you and me need to understand that if God is going to bless us, we need to continue to trust Him by faith.

Have a wonderful day as you walk by faith and not by sight. 2 Corinthians Chapter 5 and verse 7.

Angus Buchan