He Is The Truth

It is Wednesday, 9th December 2020, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for the day.

Revelation, Chapter 12 and verse 9:

“Satan who deceives the whole world.”

At the moment, the father of all lies - that is what he is called in John chapter 8, verse 44, he is a liar and the father of it. He is deceiving the world.

What is deception? Deception is to be mislead.

We need to hear the truth.

You know, there is such a beautiful scripture in the Gospel of John, Chapter 8 and verses 31 and 32:

Jesus said: “If you abide in My word,(The Bible) you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

Isn’t that beautiful? The Lord Jesus Himself is the truth.

So you say, “Angus, what is the way? We don’t know what to do. We don’t know whether to go, to stay, to buy, to sell.”

Go to The Word. The truth will set you free indeed.

He is The Truth. Jesus Himself is the One who contradicts the devil every time, and that is what has kept me going, all of my Christian walk.

What does The Bible say about the situation?

Many years ago, a man came to my farm. He wanted to sell me a new tractor. We sat down. We had a cup of tea together, and I said to him,

“Will you give me your best price. I am not going to haggle with you.” He said, “Angus, this is the best price I have got for you.”

I said, “Thank you very much. I will let you know tomorrow.”

When he left, I phoned up another tractor supplier and I asked him to come and see me. He came to see me and I said, “Give me your best price”, and his price was cheaper than the other man’s, so I bought the tractor.

The first salesman, when he heard that I had bought a tractor from the opposition, he shot around to my farm and said, “But why didn’t you phone me?”

I said, “About what?” He said, “We could have talked. I could have given you a better price.”

I said, “No, but you told me, that the truth was that that was your best price.”

“No, no, we could have spoken about it.”

Because he was telling lies, that wasn’t his best price, he lost the deal.

I want to say to you today, you need to trust what the Word of God says, and that will dispel any fear in your life and the joy of The Lord will be your strength. Nehemiah Chapter 8 and verse 10.

Because The Lord has promised us that He will never leave us. He will never forsake us. Nothing will happen to you without His permission. So why are you so fearful? I suggest that maybe it is because you are listening to the father of all lies.

Let’s today, not listen to the deceiver any longer. Let’s start getting back to the Word and abiding in the Word and then we will have joy unspeakable and be full of glory.

Go out and tell people today, “Until God says it, I will not believe it.”

Have a wonderful day today.

Angus Buchan