God Of All Gods

It is Wednesday, 2nd December 2020, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for the day.

If we go to the Book of Romans, in the New Testament, Chapter 14 and reading from verse 11:

For it is written:

“As I live, says the Lord,

Every knee shall bow to Me,

And every tongue shall confess to God.”

Verse 12:

“So then each of us shall give account of himself to God.”

You know, we look at what is happening around the world, the injustice, the corruption, the evil that is happening, and we say, “Lord, where are You? How can people get away with these things?”

But we must hear very clearly today, that every knee shall bow, and give an account of himself to God.

It is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of a living God.

Hebrews Chapter 10 and verse 31 says:

“It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God”.

Don’t mock God. Don’t say that God must give you some answers when you get to Heaven.

You clearly do not know who God is. Our God is a holy and a righteous God who will not be trifled with.

Do you know, the Jewish scribes will not even write His Name?

The write, “G-D”. They won’t even spell the word, God.

We need to understand that we serve a Holy God and every single knee will bow and every single tongue will confess that He is Lord.

Everyone! And everyone will be judged and no-one will get away with anything.

What you and I need to be concerned about today are our own lives.

How are we standing with The Lord.

You know, God is so holy that when Moses went up the mountain to receive the Ten Commandments, in Exodus Chapter 19 and verse 12 - you can read it, he said he did not want a creature, not a living animal, nothing, to touch that mountain because if it did, it would die.

We need to thank God for Jesus who made a way for you and I and who stood in the gap.

I remember many years ago, having the privilege of going to address King Goodwill Zwelithini, the reigning monarch of the Zulu Tribe.

Probably the most influential monarch in Sub-Saharan Africa.

He has something between 10 and 12 million subjects.

I went up to Nongoma, where his palace is, and when I arrived there, all the elders were around, outside the gates and they were shouting and singing, (Angus speaks Zulu) “We salute you king. You are the elephant.”

When I went into the palace, I was warmly welcomed into the palace, myself and my Induna.

He is illiterate and I am semi-illiterate so we made a good pair, and they put us in two chairs, and the king was sitting on his throne.

The elders were crawling in on their knees to speak to him about business affairs and then crawling out backwards, never turning their back on the king.

The wives were seated around him on grass mats, and then he looked up and he said to me in pure Zulu, the King’s Zulu - excuse the pun,

(Angus speaks Zulu) “I want the farmer to testify about the power of God.”

And I was so nervous, and then it was like The Holy Spirit said to me, “But Angus, you are representing The King of all Kings”, and with that God gave me great confidence.

And you know when we were finished, that king slaughtered an ox, and he gave it to us as a gift and we put it in the pick-up, and went home rejoicing.

Have a wonderful day!

Your God is the God of all gods.

Angus Buchan