Two Roads

It is Saturday morning, 5th December 2020, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for the day.

If we go to the Book of Romans, in the New Testament, Chapter 6 and verse 23:

“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Two roads - one leads to eternal damnation, the other leads to eternal life;

One is broad, the other is very narrow;

One is steep and hard and the other is broad and wide.

Which one are we walking on today?

You know, the shortcut is very rarely the quickest way home.

The wages of sin pay dearly, but the free gift from God for following Him is eternal life, God’s lavish gift to us, who walk in His ways.

I looked up The Message Translation and this is what it says:

“Work hard for sin your whole life and your pension is death, but God’s gift is real life, eternal life, delivered by Jesus, our Master.”

Matthew Chapter 7, verse 13:

“Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it.”

I remember many years ago, going to Swaziland, and at Manzini, they have got a huge stadium, and we had a massive campaign there, and on the Sunday, the King Mswati, himself, arrived with all his entourage.

It was a great occasion. I was actually wearing my Scottish Tartan that day, and that seemed to amuse him greatly, as he was dressed in his traditional robes.

God gave me a clear word to give to him in front of all of the people.

I will never forget it. It was with fear and trembling, I brought him the word.

I said to him, “Your majesty, I have a vision of a young Nguni bull, standing at the crossroads of life. The one road is wide and the other one is narrow. You have a choice to make.”

I left it in his hands. You see the Swazi people are a Christian nation.

King Somhlolo lived many, many years ago, and one night he had a dream, and in the dream, he saw wagons coming from the South and they said the people had long, pointed noses and straight hair, like the hair of a horse’s mane.

They were missionaries, and in his dream he sent warriors to go and find this wagon train, and when the warriors found it, he said, “You will find that these people will offer you two things: They will offer you a book or they will offer you beads. Don’t take the beads. Take the book” - and of course the book was The Bible and the beads represented commerce and industry.

What choice are you making today?

Remember, the way to eternal life is sometimes hard and narrow but it leads to a wonderful reward.

Angus Buchan