Praise God For The Young People

it is 6th December, Sunday morning 2020, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan with a thought for the day.

If we go to the Book of Exodus, Chapter 17 and we are reading from verse 12:

“But Moses’ hands became heavy; so they took a stone and put it under him, and he sat on it. And Aaron and Hur supported his hands, one on one side, and the other on the other side; and his hands were steady until the going down of the sun. (Verse 13) So Joshua defeated Amalek and his people with the edge of the sword.”

Praise God for the young people.

In these hectic, troubled times in which we are living, we need the vigour and the physical strength of the young folk.

You know, there is nothing so distasteful to me, than to see an old person trying to compete with a youngster.

Moses couldn’t physically fight any longer but Joshua could, and so together they made a formidable team. It is how God orchestrated it to be.

Oft times a father and son will visit me on the farm and they just can’t get on.

It is normally because it is all about passing on the baton.

The dad doesn’t think his son is qualified and the son is getting impatient waiting for his dad.

We have got to work together. Don’t despise the youth.

If we go to the Word of God in 1 Timothy, the first book of Timothy, Chapter 4 and verse 12, Paul tells Timothy, his spiritual son:

“Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity.

We have got to give people a chance. I looked at the life story of Henry Ford, that mega-car manufacturer and I saw one very distasteful part of the movie when Henry Ford’s young son had a surprise for his dad.

He brought his dad into the workshop. There was a big tarpaulin over an object. They took the tarpaulin off and there was the most beautiful motor car.

It was in different colours. It was a magnificent car. He said to his dad, “There it is dad!”

His dad looked around for a 14 pound sledge-hammer and he climbed into that car and he broke it into pieces. Why? Because he was jealous.

You see the problem is, he didn’t destroy the car. He destroyed his son.

We need to hand over the baton. You know, in 2010, on this farm, Shalom Farm, we had probably the biggest crowd of men, I am talking about men, that I have ever seen in my life. Some say 400,000, some say more.

And The Holy Spirit told me to hand that baton over to the men.

I have got a young sheep farmer down in the Karoo in South Africa, and he has taken over the Mighty Men Conferences that are taking place, right throughout the world.

Why? Because we handed over the baton and gave them an opportunity. Oh, I am still there but I am there to watch them.

My favourite age groups to speak to are the late teens and the early twenties. I just love young people.

We have a church on the farm here.

We can seat 500 people (before the Covid 19 came into place). I am the oldest man in the fellowship, and I love it, and I sit in the crowd and I listen and they teach me.

By the way, these pastors - I lead them to The Lord, but now they are teaching me about the Word of God.

Have a wonderful Sunday and give the young people lots of time.

Angus Buchan