There Is No Future In The Past.

“No man having put his hand to the plough and looking back, is fit for the Kingdom of Heaven.”

We need to move forward.
God is going to give us new vision.
He is going to give us a new game-plan and He is going to give us many, many new opportunities.
We are not going back to Egypt.

I remember Henry Ford saying……the man who developed the motorcar, the Model T Ford which was always black in colour and his young men would come and say, “Can we paint it another color?”
He used to say, “You can paint it any colour you like, as long as it stays black.”
And I used to tell that to my sons until one day, my oldest son, Andy said, “But dad, that was his downfall because all the other companies were painting their motorcars different colours.

We are moving forward.
We are not staying back.

Angus Buchan