Fear of The Unknown

The fear of the unknown.

I think that is what is gripping many people at this moment at this time and the way to combat that fear is quite simply by faith.

Now what is faith?

According to the Book of Hebrews, Chapter 11 verse 1, faith is the substance of things hoped for and it is the evidence of things not yet seen, and without faith we cannot please God.

And he who believes must believe that He is and that He is the Rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Hebrews Chapter 11 and verse 6.

Augustine, who was an African from the northern part of the continent of Africa said faith is to believe what you cannot see but the reward of that faith is to see what you believed.

As we go out today, we might have a fear of the unknown but if we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, that fear literally evaporates, dissipates.

How do you get faith?
Well, the Bible tells us in Romans Chapter 10 and verse 17:
“So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.” Spend time in the Bible. Read your Bible properly. Read it daily and God will increase your faith and the fear of the unknown will disappear.

Oh, my dear friend, I believe we are on the brink of the greatest revival the world has ever seen.

What is revival Angus?
Well, revival is a people who are saturated with God. We have lots and lots of time at the moment to increase our faith by spending time with Jesus. If we look at Luke Chapter 17 and verse 5, the disciples asked The Lord, “Lord, please, increase our faith”. And they were walking with The Master.

That is my prayer today for myself and for you.

Increase our faith Lord so that the fear of the unknown will dissipate, disappear, evaporate into the mist.

May God bless you as you walk by faith and not by sight or by feeling, or by what people say.

Angus Buchan