Please Don’t Waste Precious Time

How are we using this lockdown time?

Please don’t waste precious time.
Are we wasting it or are we using it profitably?

You know it took Jesus thirty years in obscurity, to prepare for three year's ministry.
Look it up in Luke Chapter 3, verse 23.
Paul spent three years in the Arabian Desert. Galatians Chapter 1 verses 17 and 18, in preparation for the ministry.
Remember, he wrote two-thirds of the New Testament.

They asked President Abraham Lincoln once, "If you had six hours to cut down a large tree with an axe, how would you go about it?"
He thought for a moment and then he said, "I would spend four hours sharpening the axe."

Don’t waste this precious time! You and I , whether you are a man, a woman, a boy or a girl, need to embrace this time, for God-given ideas and God-given visions.
Where do you think I got the mandate from for The Revival Train which is going from Cape Town to Musina through the countryside? Or where do you think I got the idea of a national prayer day in Bloemfontein for revival?
It wasn't in a restaurant. It wasn't on a busy street corner. No, it was spending time in the presence of God.

"Be still and know that I am God." Psalm 46 and verse 10.
It was sitting quietly at the feet of Jesus.

Use this time, valuable time for planning what God wants you to do in the next chapter of your life for His glory.
There are two types of trees. There is the oak tree which is normally planted by unselfish people because it takes so long to grow, that they never see it fully grown. It is for the next generation.
Or there is the poplar tree which grows in the wetlands and it grows to a huge size but it is just like balsa wood.
It has just got no weight and no content.
The oak tree is used for building beautiful furniture and the poplar tree is used merely for matches.

Angus Buchan