Learn To Say Sorry

As we are in lockdown and still for another two weeks, we need to get on together.

Just reading in my quiet time, early this morning, in the Book of Ephesians, Chapter 5, there are two verses that I want to leave with moms and dads, with husbands and wives.

The first one is found in Ephesians, Chapter 5 and verse 25:
“Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her.”

Well, how much did Jesus love us?

The Bible says in John 15 verse 13:
“Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”
Total and absolute commitment.

The next verse is in verse 22. Just going back a bit, Ephesians 5 v 22:
“Wives, submit to your own husbands as to The Lord.”

I know some young wives maybe that don’t like that word submit but it is in the Bible and we can’t take it out.
The more you submit to your husband, the more he will love you.
And the more the husband loves his wife, the more his wife will submit to him.
It is a beautiful snowball effect.

There is one key that we need to operate in the home at the moment as we are in a close confined area with one another.

Learn to say sorry - that is right - and diffuse any potential argument.

Remember the children are watching you.
They won’t do what you tell them.
They will do what you do.

If you can’t speak to each other if you can’t get on together, how can you expect them to?
This is really an opportunity for us to build up the home.

Some homes look like a railway station.

People coming in and out, the table is never laid, the family doesn’t sit down for a meal.
We can do that now and we can build a strong home base and from there reach out to the world.

Work on it because The Holy Spirit will help you and it is God’s will for us today.

Angus Buchan