Do You Feel Like You Have Been Sifted?

Do you feel like you have been sifted?

Are you feeling like you have been put through a combine harvester?

Well, lets go to the Word of God, Luke Chapter 22 and verse 31 and 32a.

In the New King James Version it says:

“And The Lord said “Simon, Simon! (John,… Peter,….. Jenny) Indeed Satan has asked for you, that he may sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you.”

The Lord has prayed for you and me that the devil will not have the privilege of sifting us.

If we look at Philippians 1 and verse 6, Paul says, “being confident (confident is the word) of this very thing that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.”

Now that is good news.

Now that faith that we are talking about, that is not our faith.

It is faith that comes from The Holy Spirit and we need to trust today as we start this new week, that The Lord will give you and I the strength to see this lockdown through.

I am sure you feel like I do sometimes, like a proverbial yoyo, going up one minute and down the next - thinking positive things and then thinking negative things.

The Lord knows that and that is why He said to Simon Peter, and He is saying it to you and me today, that the devil is trying to sift you but The Lord says, “….I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail.”

It is not your faith.

It is the faith that comes from The Holy Spirit.

It is the faith that comes by spending time with God and focusing on the future in Jesus Christ.

My dear friend, he will not sift you.

He does not have the power to sift you.

Do not allow him one inch in your life.

Today, give your whole life and your concentration on the things of God.

Angus Buchan