Stand Therefore

I would like you to go with me to the Book of Ephesians Chapter 6 and verse 10.
“Finally, my brethren, be strong in The Lord, and in the power of His might”.

And then The Lord says in verse 14:
“Stand therefore.”
You and I have to stand.

You know, you woke up this morning and you probably said, “ I don’t know what to do today. I am feeling so flat. I am feeling so down. I can’t do anything”.

Well, The Lord is telling us clearly today, not to do anything but to stand.
He says the battle is His.

My dear friend, this is not a physical battle that we are involved in.
This is a spiritual battle. and the only way we can fight this battle is by spiritual warfare.

Now The Lord tells us clearly to put on the armor of God every morning.

My dear wife, Jill and I, before we get out of bed in the morning, we pray for our family, for our children and our grandchildren, and we put on the armor of God.

What is that, Angus?

Well, it is the helmet of salvation,

the breastplate of righteousness,

we put on the belt of truth,

we clad our shoes with the gospel of peace,

we take up the shield of faith which is the Word of God,

The sword of The Spirit,

And then we go out with the joy of The Lord which is our strength.

We need to put on the armor of God every single morning.

And we need to pray that God will protect our families and then we need to stand. There is nothing we can do and God will see us through this time of testing.

It is not a physical battle.

It is a spiritual battle and you really need to watch out what you read.

You need to be careful about what you look at on social media and you need to really prepare yourself for when this plague is over.

And God is going to see us through and we will be stronger at the end, not weaker.

Remember, the battle is The Lord’s and you just need to stand and He will fight for you.

Angus Buchan