Our Helper

My grandchildren are starting to do their studies online and from the smallest, who is 5 years old - who had to start off by doing star jumps, to the oldest two, three - I beg your pardon, who are studying online for their university degrees, and I know that many people at the moment are struggling with the new system that is beginning right around the whole world, whether it be business, whether it be learning…

What about the sportsmen? How are they keeping fit?

They are in lockdown but the lockdown is going to lift and then they will have to carry on and a lot of people are stressing because they are feeling totally inadequate and quite lonely actually.

Well, I have good news for you this morning.

If we look at the Gospel of John Chapter 16 and verse 7, Jesus says:

“Nevertheless, I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper (I want you to remember that word - The Helper) will not come to you. but if I depart, I will send Him to you.”

Well, the Greek word for helper is ‘Paraklétos’ and who is The Helper?

Well, He is my best friend and I hope He will be your best friend because I want to pray for you at the end of this thought.

He is The Holy Spirit. He is all over at one time.

Isn’t that amazing?

We talk about the coronavirus but I want to tell you about someone much more powerful and much more important!

His name is The Holy Spirit.

He can be sitting with me in my prayer-room, on the farm, “Shalom”, in Natal in South Africa and He can be sitting with you in the Rocky Mountains of the USA, in your log cabin, at the same time.

Isn’t that amazing?

I want you to call upon Him today and ask Him to help you - to give you direction, to give you His peace and to be a friend to you who sticks closer than any brother.

Talk to Him. How do you get to know somebody? By talking to each other.

You say, but Uncle Angus, He doesn’t talk back to me.

Oh, He does.

You must listen to that still small voice deep within your heart.

He is not there to condemn you, to judge you.

He is there to help you and to look after you.

That is why Jesus said, “I have to go back to My Father, so that I can send The Helper to you.”

Oh my dear friend, over 40 years, I have preached the Gospel and when I have been in my direst straits and I didn’t know what to do, I called out to The Holy Spirit and He gave me direction.

He said to me, almost audibly in my heart, “Plant the seed,” but I said, “But Lord, there is no rain.”

“Plant the seed. The rain is coming.”

I have done it, not once, many times and the rain has come and we have had a crop so that I can feed my family and go forward.

Today, young man, young lady - you are confused. You are trying to get the hang off this online learning.

Ask The Paraklétos to help you and He will show you the way.

Pray this prayer after me:

Dear Lord Jesus, today I ask that Your Holy Spirit will be my friend and give me absolute direction.


Angus Buchan