Jesus Is The Word

Some people might say to you today, “This Jesus that you are always talking about - can you show me who He is?”

That is when you present him with a Bible because Jesus is The Word.

Lets go to the Gospel of John Chapter 1 and reading from verse 1, this is what the Bible says in the New King James Version:

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 

He was in the beginning with God.” (That is Jesus!)

“All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. 

Verse 4:

In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.”
Oh my dear friend, we need to build on the Word today.

We really need to memorize God’s Holy Word.

Now I can hear some of my friends saying, “But I haven’t got a very good memory. I really struggle to memorize scripture.”

I don't receive that and I don’t believe it.

I am going to give you a scripture verse to start with today and this one is Mark, the Gospel of Mark, Chapter 11 and verse 22:

It simply says:

“Have faith in God.”

Come on now, you can memorize that!

My little grandchildren can memorize that!

“Have faith in God.”

You see folks, faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Romans Chapter 10 and verse 17.

So the more you read the Word, the more faith you have and it is faith that is going to get you and I through this virus.

Not faith in faith, but faith in Jesus.

I remember the story of John G Lake who came from America to South Africa and a huge revival started through his ministry and he would say to people, “When you get up in the morning, go and look in that mirror and look at the person in that mirror and say to that person, “Today, God is going with you. Wherever you go - God is going with you!” And then push your shoulders back, lift up your head and face the day.

If Christ is for you and for me, there is no man that will ever, or virus, that will stand against us.

Romans Chapter 8 verse 31.

Memorize the Word, get it into your system.

“Have faith in God.” Mark, 11 v 22.

Angus Buchan