Let Us Be Different From The World

If we go to God’s Holy Word, to the Book of Galatians, Chapter 2 and verse 20, Paul says:

“I have been crucified with Christ, It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me, and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.”

We are in the world but we are not part of this world.

I remember many years ago, going away and fasting and praying next to a large dam, very close to our farm.

On the third day of the fast, I got up early in the morning and was walking along the edge of the lake and I asked The Holy Spirit to show me how He wants me to live, and at that moment I heard the almighty scream of the fish eagle in the sky.

I could not see him and when I concentrated, I saw a little dot high up in the sky.

You know the eagle is a solitary bird.

He does not fly around in flocks.

Then I looked onto the dam and there was a flock of ducks and they were cackling and gossiping and criticizing and making an unruly noise - no order at all.

And then The Lord laid on my heart, “I don’t want you to be like the world. I want you to be different.”

At that point, this huge bird started to circle and let out that almighty scream and all of nature seemed to come to attention.

The ducks were petrified and they did not know what to do, whether to fly off or to go under the water.

That bird locked his wings, that eagle, and he seemed to fall out of the sky like a stone, hurtling towards the dam at a supersonic speed.

Just before he hit the water, he leveled off with his wings locked into place and sped across the surface of the huge stretch of water.

And he flew off into the distance, giving one last screeching call of total disregard for the things of this life which tie us down.

Paul says, “that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death.”

Philippians 3 verse 10

Let us be different from the world.

Let us keep our eyes, like the fish eagle, focused on things above and not things below.

Angus Buchan