No Complaining

Philippians Chapter 2, verses 14, and 15. And Paul says:

“Do all things without complaining and disputing that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world.”

Oh, my dear friend, this is our opportunity to be different from those who do not know the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour.

I remember it like yesterday.

I was busy planting a maize crop.

I had a breakdown.

I got hold of the spares department in town and said I needed a spare, “Can you order it for me please?”

They said, “It will be here tomorrow at 7 am.”

I was waiting outside at half-past six in the morning.

I was desperate for that spare part.

As the doors opened I walked straight into the spares department and there was a lovely man standing there.

He said, “Mr. Buchan, I have got bad news for you. The spare will only arrive next week.”

I was so disappointed.

I said, “Well, thank you very much for trying.”

And as I walked out the door, he shouted to me at the entrance of the door. He said, “Mr Buchan!”

I turned around.

He was holding the spare part in his hand, laughing, and all the other people in the spares shop were watching me.

I walked back and collected my spare part.

He said, “We were testing you”.

He said, “You told us you were a Christian a long time ago.

We wanted to see how you would respond without complaining or disputing.”

Oh, my dear friend, people are watching you at this lockdown time.

Let your words be few, let them be sweet.

Encourage one another because we are representing The Lord.

Angus Buchan