The Lord Will Not Fail You

If we look at the Word of God in the Gospel of Luke, Chapter 11 and starting at verse 11.

And Jesus says:

“If a son asks for bread from any father among you, will he give him a stone?”

And then it goes on to say:

“If you then, being evil know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Heavenly Father give The Holy Spirit to those who ask Him?

Philippians Chapter 4 verse 19:

“My God shall supply all of my needs, according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”

You know, I think it is a very hurtful thing when we doubt The Lord’s provision.

Have you ever gone to bed hungry, my dear friend?

Has The Lord ever left you?

Why then are we doubting Him?

Why are we saying, “Lord, I don’t know what is going to happen in the future? I don’t know how I am going to make ends meet.”

I remember very clearly, many years ago we had a men’s conference on the farm.

I think it was in the year 2007 if I am not mistaken - and we were expecting 5000 men to arrive, and 7500 men arrived.

And I remember on the Friday night, when the ladies were cooking the food for the men, they came to me from the kitchen and they said, “Angus, please tell them to go easy with the food.
We have only prepared enough food for 5000 men.”

I got up on the platform.

I was so excited by the large turnout. I said, “We have a message from the kitchen. Eat as much as you can!”

Well, I want to tell you something now. On the Sunday morning, we were praying in the prayer room and in walked Peter, and he had a bib on him.

He was one of the ushers that were directing the traffic and he was crying, and I thought maybe there had been an accident.

I said, “What is wrong, Piet?”

He said, “Angus, you won’t believe this.

We fed the men three meals and we have collected 36 baskets of left-overs.

36 Divided by 3 is 12. Twelve baskets for each meal.

And there were twelve baskets collected by the disciples after Jesus had fed 5000 men.

The Lord will not fail you!

Angus Buchan