
I am sitting in my prayer room and I am looking through the window and there is the most beautiful sunrise.

It is bright.

The sky is bright and you know what they say, “Red sky in the morning, shepherds warning, red sky at night, shepherds delight, so we believe that there is going to be some rain coming to the farm.

I want to speak to you about faith.

You know, the definition of faith in Hebrews Chapter 11, verse 1 is:

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen”.

And verse 6 says that without it, it is impossible to please Him.

”“….for he who comes to God must believe that He is,…”

He is what?

He is the …” Rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.”

Today, by faith, I am trusting that the rain is on its way.

It has become a lifestyle for me and I hope it has for you as well because without faith, we are not going to make it.

Now, you know we wrote a book called, “Faith like Potatoes” and many people have asked me, “What did you mean when you said, “Have faith like potatoes.”?

Well, I cannot take the credit for that title.

There was a Scottish preacher by the name of Peter Marshall who was the personal chaplain to the US Senate.

He came from a very marginal background.

He immigrated to the USA from Scotland and he was a great teacher of the Word, and he said to his students one day, “You must have faith, faith that is tangible, faith that you can touch, faith that you can believe on, faith like…..,like potatoes.”

And I want to say to you that your faith today must be simple.

It must be to the point. It must come from experience from walking with The Lord.

Another word for faith is “trust”.

It is a life that you live.

It is an act. It is not just a word. It is a lifestyle.

And folks, if you live by faith, I tell you what - God will never ever forsake you.

And just in closing, He says in Mark, Chapter 11 and verse 22, a very, very easy scripture to remember:
“Have faith in God.”

God will see you through.

You say to me in closing, “Angus, how do you get faith?”

Well, according to the Book of Romans, Chapter 10, verse 17:

“Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.”

Spend time reading the Bible and spend time in the presence of God and your faith will be increased.

Angus Buchan