Are You Not Of More Value Than They Are?
If there is one thing that I have realised with this coronavirus and the lockdown, it is just how little we need to survive with material things.
The Lord says to us in 1 Timothy, Chapter 6 and verse 6:
“Godliness with contentment is great gain.”
The Lord wants you and I today to have an eternal perspective.
It keeps us from becoming greedy.
All we really need is food and clothing. Isn’t that right?
Remember my dear friend, we brought nothing into this world and when we go home, we are taking nothing from this world with us.
So we need to understand just how little we actually need.
Jesus said in Matthew Chapter 6 and verse 26, He said:
“Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they are?”
You know, I heard a story about two little birds that were sitting on a power line and they were having a chat.
And the one little bird to the other bird, “You see all these people, all these human beings down there? They are scurrying to and fro. They are so busy. They never seem to rest. I wonder why they are so busy?
The one little bird said to the other little bird, “Well, obviously they have never known our eternal Saviour, Jesus Christ.”
Folks, it is just a little story but it is true, isn’t it?
How little do we really need when it comes to material things?
Some of us are getting ulcers. We worry about something that will never happen.
Leave it to Jesus and enjoy the day – godliness with contentment is great gain.
You and I need to learn that lesson so that we can be a blessing to our families, to our neighbours and to our friends.
The contentment that we are speaking about – you cannot buy it, you cannot store it up, you cannot earn it.
It is found in the knowledge of Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour.
He said in Hebrews Chapter 13 and verse 5:
He said, “I will never leave you and I will never forsake you.”