
I have been reading through the Old Testament, the Book of Numbers, Numbers Chapter 2, where The Lord instructed Moses how to lead the children of Israel through probably the most difficult time of their lives through the desert.

I have been to that desert. There is nothing there. And yet God took a nation through a desert experience for forty years and led them and how did that happen?

It happened because there was law and order in the Israelite nation. God spoke to Moses, Moses spoke to the leaders and the leaders spoke to their respective tribes.

There was order in breaking the camp down in the mornings.

They were led by a pillar of cloud during the day and a pillar of fire during the night.

You and I need to have law and order in our lives at this difficult time of the coronavirus and lockdown.

You know, I am sitting in my prayer room. I am looking out the window and I am remembering the Mighty Men conferences we had on this farm - a number of them, when tens of thousands of men arrived on this farm.
A lot of people think that it just happened. No, it did not just happen. We had an amazing team of organizers that was headed up by my son, my oldest son, and I want to tell you, they had colour-coded routes to come in. There were special places where the different groups of men camped. There were specific times for the services, for times of eating, washing, toiletries. Everything was done in order.

We had thousands and thousands of motor cars coming here. We had parking areas.

It was an amazing time, a revival amongst the men which is still taking place today, right around the world.

In fact, on that point, please do not forget on 23rd May at 11 o’clock, South African time, we will be having our first global Mighty Men Conference taking place and it is for everybody - men, women, boys and girls, black, white, coloured, Indian - you name it, you are welcome because we are going to meet together in the presence of Almighty God.

But my point is this - it is done with law and order.

We have a team that is organizing this event.

And then I want to say to you, which is very important, we need to have law and order in the home.

If we look at Colossians, Chapter 3, verses 18 to 21, this is what the Bible says:

“Wives, submit to your own husbands, as is fitting to the Lord.

Husbands, love your wives and do not be bitter toward them.

Children, obey your parents in all things, for this is well-pleasing to the Lord.”

And then, lastly:

“Fathers, do not provoke your children, lest they become discouraged.”

Let us operate our homes in a godly manner, the way in which The Lord intended it, and we will be able to come through this difficult time.

Angus Buchan