We Need To Be Real

If we go to the Book of Colossians, in the New Testament, Chapter 4 and verse 5, the Word of God says:

“Walk in wisdom toward those who are outside, redeeming the time.

Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you might know how you should answer each one.”

What a wonderful opportunity for us as christians to be able to reach out to those who are in the world.

People are asking questions like never, ever before.

There are shops where you cannot buy a Bible.

They are sold out because people are desperate for the truth.

You and I need to walk in wisdom toward those who are outside and redeem the time.

You know, I remember going to a farming community many, many years ago and an old farmer walked up to me and he said, “Boy,” he said, “speak to us so that we can see you.”

And that has always stuck in the back of my mind.

We need to be real.

We need to meet the man in the street and speak the common man’s language.

Its alright to get afraid.

Its okay to be fearful.

There is nothing wrong with that because we are faced with great challenges but you and I as christians need to know the answer and the answer is that Jesus has promised us these things.

He said to us in John 16: 33: “I have told you these things. In me you will have peace. In this world, you will have tribulation but be of good heart for I have overcome the world.”

You know, our behavior at this time is very important.

When everybody is pushing and shoving and everybody is wanting to get their bit, this is the time when we have got to act with grace.

What is grace?

Grace is undeserved loving-kindness.

Grace is un-merited favour.

And you say: “It is not fair, Angus. You know, they are pushing in, in front of me.”

That is alright.

Remember, they don’t know what you know.

They don’t have the peace and the assurance of eternal life like you do.

Let them go ahead and bless them and they will look around and say, “Wow, these people are different.”

The Word of God tells us that our conversation must be salty.

It must be interesting.

We must be down there where the people are.

We must get into the trenches with them.

We must really be relevant in society today.

We must get involved.

We must help the poor.

We must feed the hungry.

We must bind up the wounds of those who are broken-hearted, those who have lost loved ones at this time and can’t even bury them because they can’t get a permit to leave their homes.

These are the issues that the world is dealing with.

Oh my dear friend, do not waste this opportunity to be able to tell people about The Lord Jesus Christ, not so much in words but maybe more in action.

You know, my favourite crowd that I speak to are university students.

They want the truth.

They want it straight and they want it plain and then they can do something with it.

So christian lifestyle is very important in these days.

Angus Buchan