The Truth

Many people are asking questions about the end times?
Are these the signs of the coming of The Lord?
When is The Lord coming?
What is the truth?
What is a lie?
And many of us are confused.
We are getting so much information on the media front that we don’t know which way to turn.
Well, I have got a beautiful scripture for you this morning and it is found in the Gospel of John, 17 and verse 17. And this is what Jesus said:
“Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth”
Now you know, Jesus was on trial at Easter time.
He stood before Pontius Pilate and Pontius Pilate asked Jesus a question. He said, “What is truth?”
Now Pilate was asking truth Himself.
Truth was standing in front of him and he didn’t recognise it when he was looking Truth in the face.
I looked up The Oxford Dictionary today to find out what the real meaning of the word, ”truth” is and this is what it says: “That which is true as opposed to false”.
My dear friend, we really need to get into the Word of God. Why?
Because the Word of God, The Bible, is Jesus Christ in print.
That is right.
1 John Chapter 5 verse 7 says “there are three who bear witness in Heaven, The Father, The Word and The Holy Spirit.” So that is the New King James Version.
So Jesus is The Word.
John Chapter 1 verse 1:
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
That is the truth.
So whenever somebody comes to you with some theory, go back to the Word of God, The Bible, and test it.
I remember a beautiful story about a man called Gypsy Smith.
He lived in England many years ago.
He lived in one of those painted wagons.
He used to preach to the people in the park lands in England.
Crowds of up to 10,000 people would stand absolutely transfixed when he preached the Word of God.
And Gypsy Smith, after one meeting, a lay preacher came up to him and said to him, “I have preached everything in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. I am totally worn out. I have nothing more to say. How do you do it? How do you keep preaching, day after day?”
And Gypsy Smith said to this lay preacher, he said, “Just keep telling people what Jesus means to you.”
You see, folks, Jesus is the Truth so when your friend phones you up and says, “I don’t know how I am going to get through this”, you say, “By the grace of God, you will get through it.”
I don’t know what is right or what is wrong.

What does the Bible say?
And that gives you peace.
You know some people have said to me, “Angus, what is an evangelist?”
Well, an evangelist - lets not make any doubt about it – all he is, is a hungry beggar showing another hungry beggar where to find bread.
Let’s tell people about the truth.
His Name is Jesus!
And then just finishing off, 1 Thessalonians, Chapter 2 and verse 7, The Lord says we must be loving to one another - just like a mother with a nursing babe.
Be gentle, be kind and tell people about the Prince of Peace who is coming very soon.

Angus Buchan