We Must Be Kind To One Another

Be kind to one another.

That is what the Word of God says in the Book of Ephesians, Chapter 4 and verse 32.

“And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.”

We seem to see a lack of kindness in the world today, don’t we?

Its a case of every man for himself and it doesn’t matter what you do as long as you get what you want but that is not what God has desired of us.

I remember a beautiful story, a true story, that I heard some time ago about a farm just over the hill from where we live at Shalom Farm.

It was about a hundred years ago when the old motor-cars were just coming out and men were all very much on horse-back and the district roads had gates all along them, dividing the different camps on the different farms.

And one day there was a young man and he was riding on his horse and he was looking for work. He had no employment.

And as he was walking along with his horse he saw coming from behind him, a motor-car, and there were two old people in the car.

And as he was coming up the road, there was a gate closed in front, so he dropped off his horse, opened the gate for the motor-car so that the old man could drive through the gate with his old wife and he tipped his hat in good manners.

As the car went through he closed the gate, he got on his horse and carried on riding but the motor-car pulled over on the side of the road.

And the old gentleman said to the young man, “Where are you going?”

And he said, “Sir, I am looking for work, any kind of work.”

And the old man said, “Well this farm on the left hand side is our farm and we are looking for a young man so please come and join us.

And he was employed and worked there for many days.

And the old people had no dependents and eventually one day when they died, the will was written out and the executor in the lawyer’s office said, “I have good news for you, young man. The old couple have left the farm to you.”

That man, because he opened a gate in an act of kindness, inherited a complete farm, a beautiful farm.

I want to say to you today, use what you have for The Lord Jesus Christ and be kind to one another.

Maybe you need to help that old lady across the road, not because of what she is going to give you, but because God said so and show people who Jesus is, not so much by what you say but rather by your act of kindness.

Have a great day and we will see you tomorrow.

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