Spend Time Today With Your Friend

Today as we know is Pentecost Sunday.
What happened on Pentecost Sunday?
Well, we remember that that was the day that The Lord Jesus sent His Holy Spirit to dwell with us here on earth.
I know that Upper Room so well in Jerusalem.
I had the privilege of walking in there one day with my wife, Jill and there wasn’t a soul in that room except for the two of us, and I lay prostrate on the ground and really prayed and thanked God for the presence of His Holy Spirit.
There are two things that He means to me.
The first thing is, He is a Friend and the second thing is, He is a Helper.
Now maybe today you are feeling lonely and I want to tell you that there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.
The Bible tells us in Proverbs chapter 18 and verse 24.
But remember, to have a friend, you need to be a friend. It is a two-way relationship.
The Oxford Dictionary tells me that a friend is a person with whom one has a bond of mutual affection.
Spend time today with your Friend. Speak to Him.
You say to me, “But Angus, He does not speak back to me.”
Oh but my friend, if you sit quietly in the garden or in your room and allow Him to speak to you, He will speak to you in your heart.

Jesus said, “It is important for me to leave so that I can send you a Helper.
Now maybe you are sitting at home and you don’t have anybody to help you.
You are feeling totally at a loss.
Well, a helper is one who makes it easier for someone to do something.
Jesus said very clearly in John Chapter 16 and verse 7:
“Nevertheless, I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper (there He is) will not come to you but if I depart, I will send Him to you.”
I don’t know how many times He has helped me.
He has helped me in my deepest needs.
He has helped me in the most amazing circumstances I have got myself into and He has never once left me and He has never once deserted me.
So, we have a friend, His name is Jesus and He has sent His Holy Spirit to be with us and that is what we are remembering on this day and secondly, He is a Helper.
You know, He is the best farmer that has ever lived.
And I cannot tell you how many times I have been undecided, “Lord, do we plant the crop or don’t we?” And In the quietness of my heart, He will tell me, “Just hang on a bit.” And as sure as anything, I would hang on a bit and the right time would come.
“Lord, do I sell my cattle, or do I hold them back?
I remember distinctly many, many years ago, I was in deep financial trouble. I had a beautiful herd of cattle. “Lord, do we sell them?”
And I felt The Holy Spirit say to me, “Sell them now.”
And it broke my heart, my sons and myself.
We couldn’t even load our own cattle.
We had to get our neighbors to do it because they become very special to us.
But do you know, a week later the dreaded foot and mouth disease broke out in Kwazulu Natal and you couldn’t sell a cow.
Timing is so important and The Holy Spirit will tell you.
Maybe you are contemplating today, “Do I get married or not?”
The Holy Spirit will show you whether that young man or that young lady is to be your helpmeet, your partner for the rest of your life.
Ask Him. Call upon Him and He will answer you.
He is a friend and He is a Helper.

Angus Buchan