It Is Finished

When Jesus died on the Cross of Calvary, He said, “It is finished!”

He broke the neck of the devil once and for all.

The devil thought that he could kill God by crucifying Him but on the third day, God in the person of Jesus Christ was raised from the dead.

The only thing that the devil can do to you and to me, my dear friend, is to tell lies.

He is the father of all lies.

He is the deceiver of the brethren but he has no power whatsoever.

Our biggest enemy is actually ourselves and if we go to the Word of God in the Book of 2 Corinthians, Chapter 6 and verse 9, this is what the Bible says - Paul says:

“ …as dying, and behold we live, …”

When we can die to self and start living for others then we start really living.

I heard a beautiful story just last night.

Apparently, this is a true story. It took place in Canada in the middle of winter.

There was a man who was walking through the snow and a huge blizzard came up and eventually, he couldn’t cope anymore, and he lay down and he thought, “Well, I am dying. That’s it. I am finished.”

And as he was lying in the snow, having given up completely, he heard groaning and moaning not too far away.

So he dragged himself to his feet and he staggered over to find another man lying in the same blizzard, in the same snow, and he got hold of him and started to rub him and get the circulation going.

He then picked him up and put him over his shoulders and he staggered about another 25 minutes over a hill and there was a little log cabin with smoke coming out of the chimney.

He staggered to the front door, kicked it open and walked into a warm little cabin.

He had saved the man’s life.

But my dear friend, in saving his life, he had also saved his own life.

You know, The Lord says to us in Galatians Chapter 2 and verse 20:

“I have been crucified in Christ; It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me.”

Today, take your eyes off yourself and start looking around and there are many people that you can help.

Remember, it is in dying that you live.

Have a wonderful day and God bless you!

Angus BuchanComment