No Longer Slaves

Early this morning before the sun had risen, I received a message from one of my intercessors, and attached to that message was that beautiful song, “No longer a slave to fear.”

And as I was reading in my daily readings, the Word of God came to me in 2 Timothy, Chapter 1 and verse 7:

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”

And you know, the Lord Holy Spirit took me back to that momentous day that we will never, ever forget in South Africa, when we had an “Its Time Prayer Meeting” for our nation.

That meeting was called in less than six weeks.

It took place straight after a major holiday which was absolute suicide for any organiser, and yet with the team and my son heading it up, it was the most incredible moment of my life.

I will never, ever forget what took place.

You know, Augustine, who was an African said, “Faith is to believe what you cannot see and the reward of that faith is to see what you believed.”

And oh my dear friend, I saw it with my eyes.

How will I ever forget?

Almost two kilometers of people - I couldn’t even see the end of the crowd!

Seventeen stations with pillars of loudspeakers and huge screens!

You know, I think of that scripture in Romans, Chapter 1 verse 8:

“First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all, that your faith is spoken of throughout the whole world.”

And that is exactly what happened that day.

The Holy Spirit visited us in so many ways.

Four hundred and fifty thousand motor cars parked in one day, less than one day!

The airports closed - too many aeroplanes!

The helicopters like bumblebees going back and forwards!

The power of God!

Remember that whirlwind that took up blankets and chairs up into the sky never to be seen again?

God visited us on that day!

The Lord says He has not given you or me, a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

God is in the liberating business and He is liberating us even now as I share this thought with you today.

Please I beg you - do not listen to the lies of the devil, but remember that The Lord has promised us that He will never leave us and He will never forsake us.

He gave me two words when I was jogging on that early morning.

“Its time” and “One million people”.

And you know something? He honoured what He said, but we had to walk through some fire before that - Much fear, much anticipation, much doubting!

But you know something? We went through it and God went with us the whole way.

My dear friend, today, look up because your redemption draws near.

The Lord has promised you and me that we are no longer the slave to fear, that we are the liberated people of God.

Angus Buchan