Not Ashamed Of The Gospel

If we look at the Word of God in the Book of Romans, Chapter 1 and verse 16, the Bible says:
“ For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.”
My dear friend, we need to stand up and be counted and it is not always easy, is it?
Sometimes when you are confronted, “Are you one of those?”
And by the grace of God you have got to say, “Yes, I am and I am not ashamed of it either.”
When you say that, that is when the power of The Lord Jesus Christ comes upon you.
You know I am remembering what happened in Libya, in 2015, when 20 Egyptian migrant construction workers were working in Libya, and ISIS captured them and walked them along the shores of the sea and beheaded each and every one of them, simply because they would not deny their faith.
That was all they had to do – to deny that they were Christians and they would have been let free.
But folks, there was a 21st man. He was a black man from Ghana and they came to him and they said, “And what about you?”
And he said, “Their God is my God.” And they cut his head off.
If he had reneged and recanted and said, “No, I am not with them.” He would have been left free.
We are coming to the stage now in the world, where we need to be vocal for our faith and when we stand up and say, “I am not ashamed of the gospel, we know that The Lord Jesus Christ, Himself will be standing up for you and me.
He says in the Book of Luke, Chapter 9 and verse 26:
“For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words, of him the Son of Man will be ashamed when He comes in His own glory…”
I want to say to you today, we need to be outspoken for The Lord because He has never, ever forsaken us.
God bless you as you stand by faith on the Word of God and when you are given an opportunity to speak up, not to hang back, because Jesus Christ loved you and me so much that He died for us.
And by the way, He is coming back very soon, to take us home to be with Him in glory.

Angus Buchan