Eternity In Our Hearts

If we look at the Word of God in Ecclesiastes, Chapter 3, verse 11, written by the wisest man who ever lived, he said clearly that God has put eternity into the heart of a man. You cannot chain the Word of God.
Paul says to Timothy In the second letter, 2 Timothy, Chapter 2 and verse 9, he says:
“…for which I suffer trouble as an evildoer, even to the point of chains;” - They chained him up as an evil doer, the man of God – “but the word of God is not chained.”
You cannot suppress the Word of God.
I remember many years ago, taking a 20 ton Mercedes-Benz truck and trailer - an 18 meter trailer, full of Bibles, full of food and clothes, right up into Central Africa, into an unreached people group - people who had never heard of the Word of God, right into the bush.
And you know, the amazing thing for me was that those people did not want the clothes and some of them were threadbare. They did not want the food, and they were skin and bone, some of them. They wanted the Bible, not just the New Testament, not just the Gospel of John – the whole Bible from Genesis through to Revelation.
How did they know about the importance of the Bible, the Word of God? Because God has put eternity into the heart of man.
I want to encourage you today not to be disheartened.
The churches have not been able to operate because of the lockdown but God is working in people’s hearts, in their homes and in their situations.
There might be a mother or a father who are concerned about a prodigal son. He has gone into a far country and you are saying, “Angus, I don’t know if he will ever come home”

He will come home because God has put eternity into his heart. He knows the truth.
You know, I belong to a prayer group that has been organized by Jürgen Bühler.
He is the President of the Christian Embassy in Jerusalem.
We meet every Wednesday on Zoom and we speak to people all over the world, from Mexico to the Philippines, to Nigeria, all over the world, from South America and of course our beloved South Africa.
You know, last week, there was a pastor who was asking for prayer for the Middle East. He says there are young people, 15, 18, 20 years old, young girls and young men who are asking for Bibles.
They have had dreams – that is right – dreams of Jesus Christ.
They want to meet the Man from Galilee. No-one has preached to them but The Lord has put eternity into their hearts.
Keep on praying and God is going to bring the greatest revival that this world has ever seen, very soon.

Angus Buchan