Father's Day

A very good morning to you and a Happy Father's Day!

it is 21st June 2020 and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for the day.

“Our Father
Who Art in heaven
Hallowed be Thy Name.” Matthew Chapter 6 and verse 9.

The other word for “hallowed,” is “greatly revered”. The Passion Translation says, “Be the centre on which our lives turn.”
Isn’t that beautiful?

We need to treat our Heavenly Father with holy respect, with fear, and with honour.

He said one word and everything that we see came into being but He is not a father who is unapproachable.

He is not austere but rather a loving, warm, and very gentle Father.

He is the absolute example to all earthly dads.

We can climb up onto His chair. We can sit on His lap. We can put our heads on His breast and tell Him all our needs, all our fears, etc.

We thank God for Him but this morning I want to honor our earthly dads,

You know, if I think of the Mighty Men Conferences that have taken place over many years now, to see men sitting together, praying for each other, strengthening each other, sitting together around the campfire, telling stories, laughing, just for a moment forgetting about all their earthly responsibilities, is something to behold.

Please spoil your dad today because He is definitely worth it.

Tell him how much you love him and appreciate him.

You know, the illustration that I will never forget, is to see a dad standing in amongst thousands of other men, with his young son standing next to him, because we say that if a boy can shoot a rifle and ride a horse then he is a man.

That is what they said in the old days.

And to see him looking up at his dad and that big strong man with his hands raised up to Heaven, to his Heavenly Father, tears streaming down his face and to see this little boy looking upon his dad,
starry-eyed, full of love, and full of pride in his dad.

Dads, please don’t abdicate. Take your responsibility Your family needs you so very much at this time.

To hear the “Amen!” is something really to behold.

By the way, “Amen” means, “so be it!”

Dad, have a wonderful day and let your family spoil you.
God bless you and until next time, Goodbye.

Angus Buchan