We Need To Be Disciplined

1 Corinthians, Chapter 9 and verse 27: Paul says.
”But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified.”
With this lockdown, a lot of us maybe have become a little bit slack when it comes to self-discipline. Getting up in the morning – you know, Jesus was an early-riser.
Many times the disciples were looking for Him. “Lord, Lord, where are You? Where have You been? The people are waiting for You!”
But He was taking instruction from His Father.
One man said to me a long time ago, “You must speak to God about people before you speak to people about God.”
And isn’t that so true and then we will know how to conduct ourselves?
We need to be disciplined.
We need to go to the temple.
Jesus went to the temple. It was His custom.
So did Paul, and every time he went to the temple, he seemed to end up getting a hiding but he kept going.
He was a disciplined man.
They tell me that one of our icons in South Africa, the great golfer, Gary Player, one day when he was hitting the ball, straight down the fairway, as he always did, some young guys came up to him and said, “You are so lucky, Mr. Player, that you can hit the ball so straight down the middle of the fairway.”
And his reply was, “Yes, son. The harder I practice, the luckier I become.”

We have got to work hard as Christians. We have to keep ourselves under control because others are not looking or listening so much at what we say, as to how we conduct ourselves.
Sometimes, it is uncomfortable to get up early in the morning, especially in winter.
Sometimes, it takes a lot of discipline to go to bed at night, to turn that television off and get a good night’s sleep.
We have got to keep the routine.
Why? Because when the lockdown is completely lifted, we need to be ready for action.
If we look at Matthew Chapter 25, the Lord tells us the parable of the foolish virgins and the wise virgins. The wise virgins were ready for the coming of the bridegroom. Their lamps were full of oil. The foolish virgins thought, “Well, we will fill it up when He comes.” It was too late.
We need to be like good athletes and discipline ourselves.
We need to exercise regularly. We need to eat properly. We need to read the right books and we need to pray continually.
Pray without ceasing as the Bible says in Thessalonians.
May God bless you as you continue to discipline yourself for the Lord Jesus.

Angus Buchan