My Agricultural Manual

Are you grappling, struggling with decision-making, not knowing what to do when the lockdown is lifted?
Do I continue studying online?
Do I go back to university?
Do I expand my business or do I pull in all the loose ends and ride out the storm?
What instruction do I have to follow?
Well, that is the very same question that Thomas asked Jesus.
He says, “How can we know the way?” John, Chapter 14, and verse 5.
But then we read in 2 Timothy Chapter 3 and verse 16, the word of God says:
“All scripture” (that is the Bible) is given by inspiration of God, (that is where our answers are) and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.
Then verse 17 says: “that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.”
I have found in my life that The Bible is the best instruction that anyone can have. Do you know The Bible says in Psalm 119, verse 105, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.”
I have written something on the front of my Bible. Maybe some of you have seen it.
I call it my “Agricultural Manual” and people always chuckle when they hear me say that but I can honestly say that this book has been my instruction book for many years now.
It tells me when to plant mealies when to pick them.
It tells me when to buy cattle and when to sell them but it also tells me to love my wife and not to antagonize my children.
It tells me how to run my business. It is the Book of Life.
I went to visit a Muslim man once.
I sat in his house with my Bible and I put my Bible on the carpet next to my chair when he was making me a cup of tea.
When he walked in he said, “Please don’t put that book on the carpet. Put it on the coffee table.”
The word of God is the ultimate instruction book on life and that is what you need to look to because God will show you exactly what you need to do.
You do not have to worry. Don’t be fearful because this book will take you all the way home.
Jesus says: “I am The Way and The Truth and The Life. No-one comes to The Father except through Me”. John Chapter 14, verse 6.
Have a wonderful day as you walk with the instruction book under your arm.

Angus Buchan