Tribute To The Women
I really want to pay tribute to the women-folk today.
I really want to say that without the women, there is no home and I want to say that some of the most astute business people I have ever met are women.
My dear wife, Jill, is my number one confidante and has been right since I started farming, and now in later years, in a spiritual context as well. She brings a balance in my life.
Yes, yesterday was Father’s Day and I was spoilt, as I am sure all fathers were, by my children and my grandchildren.
I have eight grandsons and three grand-daughters, and I love my grandsons – they were playing rugby yesterday as we were having a family meal but without the fragrance and the presence of my beautiful grand-daughters – by the way, the oldest one is a grand-daughter and the youngest one is a grand-daughter – without them, it wouldn’t have been the same.
If we look at the Word of God in Matthew Chapter 28 and verse 1, this is what the word says:
“Now after the Sabbath, as the first day of the week began to dawn, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to see the tomb.”
Where were the disciples?
The men were hiding. That is the truth of the matter.
It took two women to go down to the tomb to find that the body of Jesus had been resurrected.
Without women, we can’t make it!
You know, I always say, tongue in cheek, if it was up to the men to populate the earth, if we had to give birth to babies, the world would be extinct by now because we can’t handle the pain, boys, and we must be honest about that.
I just want to thank God today for the women.
If we look at the Book of Numbers and Chapter 27 and verse 7, this is what the Word says:
“The daughters of Zelophehad speak what is right; you shall surely give them a possession of inheritance among their father’s brothers, and cause the inheritance of their father to pass to them.”
You see, what had happened was, they had no men in their family and they came to Moses and said, “What about our inheritance?”
And Moses went to God and The Lord said, “Give it to the ladies. Give it to the girls because the girls will continue the family.”
I want to say to you today that without the women-folk, we will never make it.
You know, John Wesley was a great reformer and a great revivalist and he said in his memoirs, the person that impacted my life more than John Calvin or Count Zinzendorf – these were mighty theologians - was my mother, Susannah.
By the way, John Wesley’s father was a minister.
So I want to thank God for the women-folk today.
We love you and we would never be able to make it without you.