The Boxer, The Runner, The Farmer

We go to the Book of 2 Timothy Chapter 4 and verse 7 and 8.
Paul says to Timothy:
“ I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.   Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing.”
We have got to complete the job. We have to finish the race. It is all very well starting strong but we have got to finish strong.
How are you feeling today? A bit weary?
Well, listen to this. Paul says, “I have fought the good fight.”
Now, if you know anything about boxing, it is not the man that can deliver the punch that is the champion.
No, it is the man who can take the punch and keep getting up that is the champion.
And then Paul says, “I have finished the race.”
Well, in South Africa, the most grueling race is the Comrades Marathon, two standard marathons, back to back, and an extra five kilometers for good measure.
Now, the king of the Comrades Marathon has to be one small man by the name of Bruce Fordyce, and there is nothing small about him.
I always remember on the up-run, there would be some overseas runner who would be streaks ahead of him, but coming up Polly Shorts, that grueling hill, just before Pietermaritzburg, Bruce Fordyce would run up and overtake the man who had been leading in the whole race, tap him on the shoulder, shake his hand, the kiss of death, and then carry on running to the finish line.
And then thirdly, Paul says, “I have kept the faith.”
Well, to me, the greatest farmer in the whole Bible, is Job.
Job, the farmer who lost everything – everything he had! He ended up sitting on an ash heap in the middle of town, full of boils, from his head to the tips of his toes.
And yet, he could say in Job, Chapter 13 and verse 15: “ (Even)Though He slay me, yet will I (still) trust Him.”
What do these three men have in common - the boxer, the runner, the farmer?
What they had was the same as what Paul had – perseverance.
They completed the job and they did what God had called them to do, and they did it with all of their heart.
Let you and me, today. Be good finishers.

Angus Buchan