He Will Turn Water Into Wine

There are so many voices speaking into our minds at the moment, aren’t there?

When is the lockdown going to be lifted?

When is the Coronavirus going to peak?

When do we go back to school?

When do we start work?

Do we start work?

And we go on and on and it can become quite depressing.

But if we look at the Word of God in Psalm 20 and verse 7, the psalmist writes:

“Some trust in chariots, and some in horses; But we will remember the name of the Lord our God.”

We go to Hebrews, Chapter 13 and verse 6:

“The Lord is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?”

I want to encourage you today just to do what The Lord tells you to do.

That is exactly what Mary, the mother of Jesus, told the servants to do at the marriage of Cana.

John Chapter 2 and verse 5. His mother said to the servants:
“Whatever he says to you, do it”.

Now it sounded totally ridiculous to fill 6 water pots, averaging 30 gallons each with water, but the wine had run out.

Jesus turned the water into wine, 720 liters!

I remember organizing the first campaign in my life in Ladysmith in Kwazulu-Natal.

And I remember, we had booked the Town Hall from Tuesday to Saturday but Saturday they told us at the last moment, “You can’t have it. We are having a flower show.”

As I was driving out of town, there is a huge military barracks.

I felt The Holy Spirit say to me, “Turn in there. Speak to the Commandant and book the place to speak to the soldiers.”

I was not a clergyman.

I had no qualifications but I turned in and I went miraculously right to the Commandant’s office, told him what we wanted to do.

He said, “You are welcome.”

The local ministers fraternal told me, “You will never get in.”

That night we saw over a thousand young soldiers, stand up for Jesus Christ, and accept Him as Lord and Savior.

Just do what He tells you to do and He will make it good.

Don’t be like the waves of the sea, tossed to and fro, listening to every opinion and everybody’s ideas.

Sometimes, it seems absolutely ridiculous but you know something?

If The Lord has told you to do something, He will turn water into wine.

Angus Buchan