And Let Us Not Grow Weary While Doing Good

If we go to the Passion Translation, this is what the Bible says in Galatians, Chapter 6 and verse 9:
“Do not allow yourselves to be weary or disheartened in planting good seeds for the season of reaping the wonderful harvest that you have planted, is coming.”
The New King James Version says:
“And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart”.
We are right in the middle of the year, the last day of June and it is the sixth month. Do not give up! Keep on going!
And remember, there is no point in looking back unless you are planning to go there. We are not going back.
You know, I remember as a very young farmer in Zambia, many, many years ago, we had planted a beautiful crop of maize, and we had a torrential thunderstorm which had packed the earth so tight, and then the sun came out and baked the soil.
The young seeds when they germinated, they couldn’t get through the surface of the ground because it was so hard, and some of my neighbors had decided to plow the crop in and start all over again.
That meant buying more fertilizer, more seed, more land preparation.
And I felt that I was going to hang on a bit.
I was going to let those seeds work.
And nothing was happening.
The sun was blazing hot. The soil was like concrete, and then I took a machine that just scuffles the top of the soil.
I put it on the back of the tractor.
My friend said “You are going to destroy whatever is left there.”
I said, “No:”
I put the tractor in top gear and we sped across the top of that hard crust and it loosened up the soil and the next day, gentle rain came and the seeds came through and I had a bumper crop.
Do not grow weary in doing good.
Some of you are wondering:
Should I just close the door and pack up?
Shall I not persevere anymore with that person that is working for me?
Should I close down?
Not at all! Keep on, keeping on and The Lord is going to turn things to the good.
In due season, you shall reap if you do not lose heart.

Angus Buchan